What you get – the nitty gritty:
A Story Genius Quick Check includes five simple steps:
1. Before we speak, I’ll send you my Story Genius Quick Check Questionnaire. Don’t worry if there are questions you can’t answer yet; this will start you thinking, and give us a place to start digging in. Our goal is to hit the ground running!
2. You’ll send the completed Checklist back to me, along with the first 20 pages of your novel. If you’re just starting out and haven’t written anything yet, then you can send whatever you feel is relevant – notes, drafts, ideas – anything. Just make sure that everything is properly formatted (there’s always a catch, right?) All pages must be in standard manuscript formatting -- 12 point font, double spaced, 1 inch margins. And while we’re in the “rules” section: I must get all pages 48 hours before our scheduled session. I need my sleep, too.
3. We’ll talk for 75 minutes – the conversations are lively, result-oriented, and detailed. We’ll brainstorm, drilling down to the essence of your story. We’ll tackle questions like:
Am I on the right track?
What my novel is really about?
Where is my story logic, and can it hold fast from the first page to the last?
What is my story’s “third rail”?
What is the one escalating problem my story revolves around?
4. Based on our conversation, I will give you a writing assignment. I may ask you to revise what you’ve already turned in or create specific new scenes -- which you will send me 48 hours in advance of our second phone 75-minute session, two weeks later.
5. During our second call, we’ll drill even deeper into your story, so that you will have a yardstick by which you can measure the meaning, and relevance of everything in your novel. You will be in a position to write forward with clarity and confidence.
Fee payable in advance via PayPal.